Time to market this design! I need your votes my dear readers. So please, visit the link below, or click the link on the right hand panel. Register with Threadless, if you haven't already, and give me a 5$$! In the mean time, my fingers are crossed.
Cloud Toys: Threadless Submission
My cloud design has been tweaked thanks to some great advice from fellow artists at Threadless.com. It has been submitted, approved and is up for a 7 day vote on Threadless!
Time to market this design! I need your votes my dear readers. So please, visit the link below, or click the link on the right hand panel. Register with Threadless, if you haven't already, and give me a 5$$! In the mean time, my fingers are crossed.
Time to market this design! I need your votes my dear readers. So please, visit the link below, or click the link on the right hand panel. Register with Threadless, if you haven't already, and give me a 5$$! In the mean time, my fingers are crossed.
Blog content and images posted copyright Alexander Pawlicki. Powered by Blogger.
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