Since day one of the maze derby, my street signs design has been in the fog. It's more than I ever could have asked. It can be a double edged sword though in the sense that I am on pins and needles all day. I'm terrified to click on the page and find that I've been knocked out of the fog. Luckily, this hasn't happened.
I've tasted the fruits from the top of the derby tree and now I want more! I want to win this derby so very badly. Should I lose though, sure I will be disappointed, but I will mostly be thrilled that I came so far this derby.
In any case, if you are reading this, I need your help! With the game this close, and only 36 hours left in the voting, every single vote I can get counts. Please, follow this link
and vote for my design. There's something important you need to know before you can do this though.
In order to vote on, you have to have previously purchased an item from Woot! If you have done this, then you fit all the required criteria! Just follow my link, sign in to your account and leave a vote by clicking the "I'd Want One" button in the upper left above my shirt submission. Also, as long as your there, why not drop a little comment to show some love?
Sure, this is shameless promotion, but I gotta do what I gotta do. I would hate to lose and think that I didn't do everything I could have possibly done to promote my shirt to a win. Thanks for voting, and as always, thanks for reading.
1 shout outs:
Thanks foor posting this
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